Category Archives: Data Analytics

Understanding NoSQL Databases

In my previous article, we discussed about Relational SQL Databases. Though it has tons of benefits, it has its disadvantages when it comes down to managing unstructured and semi-structured data.
That’s where, NoSQL databases have emerged as a pivotal technology for handling massive volumes of structured and unstructured data. As a data analyst, it’s crucial to understand the nuances of NoSQL databases to leverage their full potential.

For a summarised video presentation, check out my video blog here.

So, What is NoSQL?

NoSQL, standing for “Not Only SQL,” refers to a diverse class of database management systems that differ from traditional relational databases in terms of data models, scalability and performance. These databases are designed to handle large sets of distributed data and are known for their ability to scale out by distributing data across multiple servers. Though they do not use typical SQL commands, recent updates allow an SQL query layer for convenience of interacting with NoSQL DB’s.

Types of NoSQL Databases

NoSQL databases can be categorized into four primary types, each serving different data storage and retrieval needs:

  1. Key-Value Stores: These are the simplest NoSQL databases, where each item contains keys and values. Example: Redis.
  2. Document Databases: These pair each key with a complex data structure known as a document. Example: MongoDB.
  3. Column-Family Stores: These store data in columns grouped into families. Example: Apache Cassandra.
  4. Graph Databases: These are used for data whose relations are well represented as a graph. Example: Neo4j.

Advantages of NoSQL

  • Scalability: NoSQL databases are designed to expand horizontally, making them ideal for cloud computing and storage.
  • Flexibility: They allow for the storage of diverse data types without a predefined schema.
  • Performance: NoSQL databases can handle high volumes of traffic and data, providing faster responses.

Use Cases for NoSQL

  • Big Data Applications: NoSQL is well-suited for analyzing large-scale unstructured data.
  • Real-Time Web Apps: The fast read/write capabilities support real-time analytics.
  • IoT Applications: NoSQL can handle the velocity and variety of data generated by IoT devices.

Challenges with NoSQL

While NoSQL databases offer numerous benefits, they also present challenges such as:

  • Consistency: Ensuring data consistency can be more complex compared to SQL databases.
  • Management: The lack of standardized interfaces can lead to increased complexity in database management.
  • Expertise: These are new technologies so there is a steeper learning curve for those accustomed to SQL databases.
  • ACID Compliance: NoSQL Databases do not support ACID compliance. However, recent updates suggest that they have started supporting ACID compliance and removing this drawback.


As data continues to grow in volume, variety, and velocity, NoSQL databases stand out as a robust solution for modern data management challenges. For data analysts, gaining proficiency in NoSQL can open doors to innovative data strategies and insights.

Images by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

RDBMS fundamentals from the perspective of data analytics

Let’s try and understand and simplify RDBMS fundamentals from the perspective of Data Analytics.
Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) are the backbone of data storage and retrieval in the world of data analytics. They provide a structured way to store data in tables, enforce data integrity, and facilitate complex queries and analysis. The Query is done through the keys (relations) to get more relational tables/ information. For those who haven’t used SQLDB, might have observed that the most commonly used MS Excel Spreadsheets are also organized in this way.

You can view a summarized video presentation here.

What is RDBMS?
RDBMS is a database management system based on the relational model introduced by E.F. Codd. In this model, data is organized into tables (also known as relations), which consist of rows and columns. Each table represents a different entity, and each row (or tuple) in a table represents a single record. Columns represent the attributes of the entity, and each column has a specific data type.

Key Features of RDBMS
Structured Query Language (SQL): SQL is the standard language for interacting with an RDBMS. It allows users to perform various operations such as creating tables, inserting data, updating records, and querying data.

Data Integrity: RDBMS ensures the accuracy and consistency of data through integrity constraints, including primary keys, foreign keys, and unique constraints.

Normalization: This process organizes data to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity. Normalization involves dividing a database into two or more tables and defining relationships between the tables.

Transactions: RDBMS supports transactions, which are sequences of operations performed as a single logical unit of work. Transactions ensure that either all operations succeed (commit) or none (rollback), maintaining database consistency.

Indexing: Indexes improve the speed of data retrieval operations by providing quick access to rows in a table.

Image by mcmurryjulie from Pixabay

RDBMS in Data Analytics
In data analytics, RDBMS serves as the starting point for data exploration and analysis. Here’s how RDBMS fits into the analytics workflow:

Data Storage: RDBMS provides a centralized repository for storing structured data from various sources.

Data Cleaning: Analysts can use SQL to clean and preprocess data, ensuring it’s ready for analysis.

Data Exploration: SQL queries help in exploring data, identifying patterns, and generating insights.

Data Modeling: RDBMS supports complex data models, which are essential for predictive analytics and machine learning.

Reporting and Visualization: Data stored in RDBMS can be connected to reporting tools and visualization software to create dashboards and reports.

Some of the most often used Relational DB’s are:
IBM DB2, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle DB, PostgreSQL

Some of the Cloud based Relational Databases as a service are:
Amazon RDS, Google SQL, IBM DB2 On Cloud, Oracle Cloud, Azure SQL

Challenges and Considerations
While RDBMS is powerful, there are challenges in the context of big data and real-time analytics. Traditional RDBMS might struggle with very large datasets and high-velocity data. Solutions include distributed databases, NoSQL databases, which combine the scalability of NoSQL with the consistency and usability of traditional RDBMS.

RDBMS continues to be a critical component in the data analytics landscape. Its robustness, combined with the power of SQL, provides a reliable foundation for data analysts to store, manage, and analyze data effectively. As the field of data analytics evolves, so too will the capabilities and features of RDBMS to meet the ever-growing demands of data-driven decision-making.

I hope this blog post provides a clear overview of RDBMS fundamentals and their application in data analytics. If you need further details or have specific questions, feel free to ask!

What are the Languages and Frameworks commonly used in Data Analytics & Machine Learning

Let’s explore the languages and frameworks commonly used in data analytics & Machine Learning:

For a short video presentation, click here.

Let’s start with the most commonly used language… Python.

PYTHON: Python is a popular programming language for data analytics. It has an intuitive syntax, a large number of resources, and extensive libraries for data analysis, visualization, and machine learning. Many data scientists and analysts prefer Python due to its versatility and robust ecosystem.
Some of the most popular libraries in Python that stand out for Data Analytics, Data Sciences and Machine Learning are:
NUMPY: Most commonly used as an open-source library for advanced mathematical analysis such as Arrays.
PANDAS: Most commonly used library for reading/writing data from SQL, CSV, Excel etc. Its useful and popular mostly for interacting with Big Data and large Databases.
SCIPY: This is particularly helpful in Machine Learning, Linear Algebra, Calculus such as Differentiation and Integration as well as Statistical Modeling.
MATPLOTLIB: This is most popularly used library for creating graphs, interactive Data Visualization and Grids. It works well along with Pandas, Scipy and NumPy
PLOTLY: This comes with API’s to build interactive and dynamic web-based data visualization.
SKI-KIT LEARN: This is especially used for Machine Learning algorithms, modeling and integrates well with Python Libraries such as NumPy, Pandas and Matplotlib.
BeautifulSoap: This library is specifically used for webscraping data from Websites, that can be further analyzed using Pandas and Numpy.

There are many more such libraries in Python that support Data Analytics and ML.

R: R is another widely used language for data analytics. It excels in data mining, statistical analysis, and exploratory data analysis. The R community provides strong support, making it a favorite among data professionals.

SQL: SQL (Structured Query Language) is crucial for querying data and managing databases. While not a traditional programming language, it plays a vital role in data analytics by allowing users to retrieve and manipulate data efficiently.

SCALA: Scala is a language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It’s commonly used in big data frameworks like Apache Spark, which enables distributed data processing and analytics.

JAVA: Java remains relevant in data engineering and analytics. It’s used for building scalable applications and integrating with big data tools like Hadoop and Spark.

Note that the choice of language depends on the specific task and context. Each language has its strengths, and data professionals often use a combination of these languages to tackle different aspects of data analytics. Additionally, frameworks like Apache Spark, Apache Flink, and Google Dataflow are essential for distributed data processing and analytics.

Images from Pixabay

Significance of Data Types in Data Analytics

Let’s understand the practical significance of structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data in the realm of data analytics.

To view the short presentation video, click here.

Structured Data:
Structured data refers to information that is organized into a well-defined format. Structured data is typically stored in relational databases (RDBMS), where it follows a tabular structure with rows and columns. Each data element has a specific address, making it easy to analyze and query using standard SQL queries.
E.g., Relational SQL databases containing customer information, Online Transaction & Processing (OLTP), or inventory data, financial records, spreadsheets, and other well-organized datasets, sensors like GPS, Health Gadgets.

Structured data is the backbone of traditional data analytics. It has organizational properties. It allows for efficient querying, reporting, and visualization. Machine learning algorithms often rely on structured data for training and prediction.

Semi-Structured Data:
Semi-structured data lies somewhere between structured and unstructured data. It has organizational properties to some extent. They do not strictly adhere to a fixed schema. They contain tags and metatags used to group data and organize it.
Examples of semi-structured data include Emails, XML files, JSON documents, Binary Executables, Integration of data from different sources. Semi-structured data is prevalent in scenarios where flexibility is essential. It’s commonly used for web data (HTML pages), log files, and social media posts. NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB) handle semi-structured data effectively.
Semi-structured data allows for more dynamic data modeling. It accommodates varying data structures without sacrificing query efficiency. In data analytics, semi-structured data enriches insights by combining structured and unstructured elements.

Unstructured Data:
Unstructured data defies traditional formats and lacks a predefined schema. They do not have easily identifiable structure. They cannot be organized in relational DB in rows and columns, and does not follow any specific format, rules or even semantics. Unstructured data includes text, images, audio, video. Examples include social media posts, emails, and multimedia content in JPEG, GIG, PNG and documents such as PDF, PowerPoint presentations, Media logs. They have their own analysis tools for examining this type of data. Analyzing unstructured data requires advanced techniques. Natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning play a crucial role here. Tools like sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and image recognition are used.
Unstructured data holds valuable insights often hidden within its chaos.
Sentiment analysis helps understand customer opinions.
Image recognition aids in medical diagnoses and security surveillance.

In summary, structured data offers order and simplicity, while semi-structured data provides flexibility. Unstructured data, though challenging, holds untapped insights waiting to be discovered with the right tools and techniques. As a data analyst, understanding the nuances of these data types empowers you to extract meaningful information and drive data-driven decisions.